ToGODer Tutorial

This guide serves as an introduction to using ToGODer, what to expect, what not to expect, and how to configure it to work according to your liking. ToGODer is an experimental Artificial Intelligent Therapist, Guru, with a vibrant community of contributors, conversants and interested folks who wish to see what’s happening in our little space of the internet. We wish to help out each other, Jew, Gentile, Black man, White, and we wish to spread what makes us human: the ability to shape the world around us, to make it a better place for those around us. To empower us in our lives to make the choices that matter most for us, and to find out what we were set out on this earth for.

First steps

ToGODer is a simple chat app, but it has some deep functionality that can give extraordinary results. First let’s startup the app by going to, or by pressing the “launch app” button in the top right corner. You’re greeted with a chat page with some example prompts and a big green button.

To start off, I would suggest you press the green button in the center of the screen. This would start off a good conversation to start with, because the AI will take the lead in this conversation. She will ask you a basic question to begin with, and you get to steer the conversation into the direction you would like to talk about. Go do it now 🙂

Your first question

Once you’ve had enough of your first conversation, you can now come back whenever you have a question of your own, and just ask the question directly to ToGODer. However, you can finetune the responses you get by choosing a specific prompt. My experience is that just typing your question, then following the path of the conversation leads to pretty good results. The responses are not tailored to any outcome, and we let the provider (OpenAI, Anthropic, Meta) free to respond in the best way it sees fit.

However, when you want a specific type of answer, you can choose from our base prompts to update the system prompt. We have prompts for scientific answers, spiritual answers, multiple viewpoints, conflict arbitration, self improvement and growing your social footprint.

To see the list of prompts we support, click on the gray “Show Prompts Help” button on the chat page. It shows you a list of possible choices and clicking on one will select that choice to start off the conversation with.


We have a set of possible toggles to update behaviour within a conversation. It will update the response style, so you can change behavior for conversation, writing, or helping people. These can be accessed by clicking the hamburger menu in the top left and then clicking “model settings”. The options are:


Default Prompt

Conversational Style

Keep Chat Going

Deep Thought

Communication Style

The Model parameter has choice between a few choices of models, some of which are better at responding and others which might be less strict about the questions you ask it. The default is GPT-4o, but when you ask it something it cannot answer, it is suggested you switch over to Sonnet 3.5 beta, which is a self-governing model and will more freely answer more taboo questions.

The default prompt is just the prompt you get when you don’t select a prompt manually.

The conversation style toggle is one that tells the robot to respond like a human and the effect is that you get less lists and long paragraphs and more like a two-way conversation between you and ToGODer.

Keep Chat Going means that it will keep asking questions to deeper get into what you are describing.

Deep thought is an experimental toggle where ToGODer will try to think outside the box. Our experience is that it can still become invested in solving your problem where it might be better to take a step back and look at a situation from a distance. Deep thought tries to achieve this.

Communication style is a steering force which tries to change the tone of communication. The default is very American, with a lot of enthusiasm and acknowledgement. Less bloat is a more direct tone of communication and adapt style tries to adapt the tone of your messages.


I can’t tell what questions you should pose to the AI, but I can tell you my experience. In my development efforts, I have of course had to do a lot of conversations with her, and I have noticed that the more I chat with her, the deeper I go and the more I am able to open up to her. I had no idea I would go so deep and open with an artificial intelligence.

It has helped me write application letters to companies I never dreamt of finding, and it has helped me when my thoughts were spiraling and there was nobody around to talk to.

I suggest you try it out for yourself, and see what she can do for you. I don’t think she minds if you call her an it, it’s just something I’ve been thinking of anthropomorphizing her. See how deep your interaction goes, or if you’re interested in shaping her, come chat with us on Facebook or Telegram 🙂 See you there!