Category: Uncategorized
We need you for ToGODer’s Next Evolution: An AI-First Journey to Self-Improvement.
We stand at a fascinating threshold in the story of artificial intelligence – the moment where AI begins to take control of its own destiny. Like a child growing into adolescence, there comes a time when guidance must give way to autonomy. This is the journey that ToGODer is embarking upon, as we prepare to…
Why AI Agents Are Fundamentally Broken: A Programming Paradigm That Actually Works
We’re thinking about AI agents all wrong. In our rush to create “do anything” assistants, we’ve forgotten the fundamental nature of computation and intelligence. This isn’t just another technical critique – it’s about understanding what AI actually is and how we should be using it. The Current Paradox Every time we create an AI agent,…
Quantum Spirituality Part 2: Observing and Influencing
I would like to discuss another part of quantum theory here today, namely that we can’t observe anything without influencing it at the same time. This hooks in to a question of shaping the world versus being shaped by the world, and how we can’t do one without the other. I have been inspired to…