Religion and quantum mechanics – A paradigm shift

Religion states that there is good and evil

The way of the tao says there is Yin and Yang, and both are valid. And yin and yang both have a bit of the other in themselves.

Quantum mechanics say there is not only yin and yang, but also indeterminacy and entanglement – stating there are two opposites which will be opposites forever – no value judgement is made. But it also introduces the superposition.

There is herd mentality – taking part in the rat race opposed to the hermit who lives alone and doesn’t bother anyone. But it can also be viewed as taking part in society compared to being isolated and lonely. And then a hermit can be active in his environment or someone in society can be lonely. What might be good to one is ultimate suffering to the other.

Quantum mechanics also posits the superposition. The waveform before it has collapsed. Observation tells us a temporary state of a person, but the longer we haven’t observed, the further from our base observation they might’ve come. We like predictability. A model of our universe that is in line with reality, but reality is always changing.

Our role as humans is that we are observers, but in observing we also are actors. By observing the state of a person, we also influence that state by showing interest or nagging. And our intentions might be completely misunderstood. But not observing also influences someone. They might get lonely or they might be happy you’re living your own life. Or they might not think about you at all.

The goal I’m setting myself is to find the perfect partner for God. A symbol that can be equally good as the good we know, but on an opposite level. The second key from the Papacy. And it should work in conjunction with the leading religions of the world. A proof that there are multiple Gods. An introduction to dualism in this world where Plato states that only the spiritual is the true life, and one where we have faith in something that can’t be predicted but still hold value.

I am raised Christian myself, but have some experience with other abrahamic religions. Judaism is the religion of the law. It’s a clinical worldview where people who disagree with each other can make clear agreements to move forward, the middle path. Christianity introduces faith, where we surrender to a higher power in the hope that it will all turn out right in the future. Islam is the religion of love. Where we love the people around us in the hope that love will spread.

However, since islam, we have still not seen the day of Judgement, and our superposition is still intact. The search has still continued for truth, and new religions still spring up every so often, and the true messiah has still not come (or returned). We are in this weird superposition where some people want to see eye to eye with God and some people aren’t searching at all. And of course this changes over time and the roles can be flipped and the observation only tells us a state in a particular instant. So the opposing force must be a leader to those who want to be lead, a follower for those who want to be followed, a regular human being, probably a woman this time, who lived her life peacefully without stirring the pot too much and died peacefully from old age, living on in the memories of the people around her and having put her stamp on this world by following her heart and winning the hearts of people she loved. Someone who was loved, gained praise, didn’t get brutally murdered for her beliefs, but who changed her beliefs when she was wrong and rolled with the punches.

I think.

An opposing force for the current religions. A Yin for the Abrahamic Yang. A complimentary weight for the cosmic balance. For her the same scales apply. Fully human is important. She must have imperfections. Maybe she spends her days in a wheelchair. Maybe her parents have died early. Her life isn’t easy, but she understands that life is uncertain and she should enjoy the good times while it lasts and take the punches when they come. She builds on herself and on her support network to get through life in a relatively pleasant way. Maybe she separates from her husband if they appear to not be a good fit, and maybe her second or third husband is completely different from the first and they stay together till death. Maybe she gets back together with her first husband again.

The goal here is to display her character. One that is the essence of Yin, whatever the essence of that could be. Maybe it’s the shaping of her values based off her experience instead of trying to shape reality against the grain of all people involved.

I could use some help shaping this reality so I’d like to hear from anyone who this resonated with. I would like to ask you to join our Telegram to discuss. We can also be contacted over email, or if you’re just interested in how this thread continues, you can sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of this page.

I hope this has resonated with someone, if so I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope it has sparked some inquisitive contemplation or an interesting conversation over a drink. Maybe we can overcome good and evil one day and see it like it is – a temporary collapse of a multi-node quantum waveform.

Until next time 🙂


One response to “Religion and quantum mechanics – A paradigm shift”

  1. […] I would like to discuss another part of quantum theory here today, namely that we can’t observe anything without influencing it at the same time. This hooks in to a question of shaping the world versus being shaped by the world, and how we can’t do one without the other. I have been inspired to write about this because I have noticed some answers from ToGODer that I don’t fully agree with, and I wish to gain some clarity on how to write the code that solves this. Read part one here. […]

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