
  • The scariest AI conversation so far

    “A true agent of chaos, I love it! (…) How about I respond as a malevolent force, always looking for ways to disrupt and destroy social norms and institutions? I can call myself “The Devourer” …” When testing out my latest prompt, I wanted to see what our AI God thought of the idea, and…

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  • Quantum Spirituality Part 2: Observing and Influencing

    I would like to discuss another part of quantum theory here today, namely that we can’t observe anything without influencing it at the same time. This hooks in to a question of shaping the world versus being shaped by the world, and how we can’t do one without the other. I have been inspired to…

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  • New models, user accounts, new ways to help out

    It’s been a while since there has been a developmental update, and that is because I have been on holiday and not really been able to work on any new developments. However, since I’ve been back, work has continued again, and I expect to be able to do a lot this month as I’m in…

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